Here at Naples Turbo, turbochargers and turbo parts are our specialty, in fact, that’s all we sell. We believe in offering our customers the highest quality turbos at an affordable price.
Please feel free to browse our site to see if yours is one of the many we have listed, but remember, our stock is too enormous to possibly list them all. If the turbo or turbo part that you are looking for isn’t listed, just contact us for availability and pricing, as we’re sure to have what you need.
All of us here at Naples Turbo are dedicated to helping you obtain the turbo that you need at the price you can afford. We have a passion for great customer service and we believe this is what makes our company unique. Great service and dependable products that you can count on every time. We appreciate your comments on how we are doing, both as a company and as individuals.
We carry and can order original OEM turbochargers for those that must have the OEM name (and doesn’t mind paying for it), but for others that would like to pay less without sacrificing quality and reliability, we have some of the best aftermarket turbochargers money can buy.
Why buy foreign parts you might ask? Click to read more…
… Because some (if not all) of the original equipment manufacturers do to some degree, only they charge you MORE for the same quality parts! Genuine OEM does not mean “Made in USA”! In fact, “Made in USA” most likely means “Assembled in USA with Foreign & Domestic Components”.
- Quotes taken from BorgWarner’s own website:
( taken in 2012
- “One million turbochargers are built at the BorgWarner campus in Ningbo, China, in only four years.”
- “BorgWarner opens new facilities in Korea, France, Germany and China, expanding operations for a variety of its businesses.”
- Quote taken from Holset’s own website:
( taken in 2012
- “Cummins Turbo Technologies’ headquarters is in Huddersfield, England, while their U.S. based headquarters is located in Memphis Tennessee. There are six manufacturing plants located around the world including the USA, Brazil, the United Kingdom, China, and India.”
- Quote taken from IHI’s own website:
( taken in 2012
- “So far we have already produced more than 32 million turbocharger/supercharger units for automobiles. IHI is also expanding worldwide business, with factories and sales offices located in the U.S.A., Europe, Thailand, China, and other countries.”
- Quote taken from MHI’s own website:
(one of the many Mitsubishi companies, over 400 different companies make up the Mitsubishi name)
( taken in 2012
- “In the Franklin plant’s three final assembly lines of turbochargers, automated production lines identical to those at MHI’s plants in Europe and China will be installed in order to secure globally unified quality. …The newly outfitted plant will commence operation with an annual production capacity of 600,000 units, to be subsequently increased to at least 1,200,000 units. The core parts of turbochargers, known as cartridges, will be supplied from Mitsubishi Turbocharger Asia Co., Ltd. (MTA), a wholly owned Thai production base, and the company’s other turbocharger production bases. At the Franklin plant, finished turbochargers will be assembled using cartridges and housing cases etc.”
- According to Komatsu’s website:
( taken in 2012
- They have eight manufacturing plants in China and three in Indonesia.
Have you ever had to replace a part in your “American Made” automobile only to find out the original part was made in Mexico, China, or Indonesia? Most likely all of the parts were made in a foreign country. Why? Economics is why. In order for the “American Assembled” automobile to be affordable, the manufacturer needs to source affordable parts. The only thing is, when you go to replace one of these foreign parts, they charge you like the part was made in America and made of gold.
Sellers of “Genuine OEM” parts are quick to trash talk aftermarket Chinese parts, but in actuality, a substantial part of the “Genuine OEM” parts come from China. Either the sellers are ignorant to what they are selling, or they don’t want to admit that aftermarket manufactures can produce quality parts as well.
- Are all aftermarket parts made of the same quality as OEM?
- Absolutely not! Just as with any society of people, there are workers that really care about their workmanship, and there are ones that just try to make a quick buck.
- Where an item is made doesn’t dictate quality, strict quality control measures is what dictates quality.
- Also keep in mind, some of the OEMs have started cutting corners, reducing quality, all the while increasing profits. This creates a huge demand for high quality low cost aftermarket parts.
We inspect each item we receive in order to provide you with the highest quality parts possible at the lowest price possible. We really do care about you. We know that without repeat customers, our business would not be much of a business. We know that quality affordable parts and great customer service is what keeps customers coming back. And, we know that you are trying to make a living too, so we keep our prices low. Why should you give all your hard earned money to the OEMs when there is another option?
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